Work That Matters

A Place Where Art Is All About Broken Things, Imperfections and Metaphorical Expressions. Things that evokes emotions and tells a story that sticks with you.
Everything here is a timeless piece of art that is crafted to last


Crafting Work That Matters for People Who Care. Our goal is to create things that leave a lasting impression. We're not confined just to cyanotype printing. We are chasing modern day problems like shadows in the light, hunting them for a solution, crafting sustainable solutions through the lens of art and storytelling.

Everything we create is more than just a visual. It is a solution wrapped in a narrative, it's a response to the world's unasked questions.

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Not Just Visuals

Some unpredictable events, some unprecedented ways of doing things and some stupid decisions that are all inter-connected in a very weird emotional context.

The story of how they fought against all odds has never been told before, but the aftermath can still be seen in that cracked wall, that is constantly being camouflaged, unrealistically by those beautiful dead flowers in a desperate attempt to still look worthy. A Wall from Bagdad(1258) after the siege of Genghis Khan. He destroyed everything but left a wall as a message for those who never surrendered. And from the ruins, a girl appeared with a dead rose, some scars and from her own blood she wrote ‘Fuznan’ on the wall.

Join us on our mission to give voice to words silenced by everyday stereotypes and social norms.